Martin Kunc vystoupil na konferenci v Monaku, kde přednášel pro více než 200 odborníků na kybernetickou bezpečnost z celého světa. Ve své prezentaci se zaměřil na problematiku phi…
Útočníci využívají zvýšeného zájmu o čínský AI chatbot DeepSeek, jenž byl veřejnosti představen teprve nedávno. Cílem podvodných stránek, mezi které patří například deepseeksol[.]…
CSIRT.CZ is the National CSIRT of the Czech Republic. It is operated by the domain registry CZ.NIC and public contract with National Cyber and Information Security Agency.
The National CSIRT of the Czech Republic
Our goals
Tasks of CSIRT.CZ in the Czech Republic are as follows:
To maintain foreign relations – with the global community of CERT/CSIRT teams as well as with organisations supporting the community.
To cooperate with various entities across the country – ISPs, content providers, banks, security organs, institutions in the academic sphere, public authorities and other institutions.
To provide security services such as:
Addressing security incidents and coordination thereof
Education and tutoring
Proactive services in the area of security
The CSIRT.CZ team is responsible for the territory of the Czech Republic, i.e. users and networks operated in the Czech Republic except those belonging under the constituency of Governmental CERT