DNS Crawler
It is a joint project of CSIRT.CZ and CZ.NIC Laboratories. Its aim is a regular collection of data from DNS, mail servers and main web pages of all second-level domains under .cz. The purpose of this project is firstly a general classification of domains according to various criteria and creation of other statistics, but also detection of security issues, such as fake e-shops or domains misused by botnets. Data is being collected using the open-source software tool DNS crawler developed by CZ.NIC Laboratories. Detailed information about rules and parameters of DNS crawler operation is available on this page.
The project submitted reacts to the increasing importance of cyber security and to the necessity of protection against cyber-attacks both at the national and European level. Its wide range of measures contributes towards strengthening online trust and security as one of the key pillars of the Digital Agenda for Europe Strategy. This goal may be efficiently reached thanks to linking competences of both project partners–the CZ.NIC Association, operating the national security team CSIRT.CZ and the NIX.CZ Association, operating independent Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. During the project, both organizations will prepare for tasks and responsibilities arising from the NIS Directive.