Google Details New Security Features in Android 5.0 Lollipop
The latest version of Google's Android operating system comes with some interesting new functionality features, but the company says it's also much more secure than its predecesso…
The latest version of Google's Android operating system comes with some interesting new functionality features, but the company says it's also much more secure than its predecesso…
The BlackEnergy malware toolkit has been compromising US SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems in a sophisticated campaign, according to the US Computer Emergen…
The National Institute of Standards and Technology is warning of the presence of a Zero-Day flaw in the Samsung FindMyMobile service.
Facebook and Yahoo have designed an SMTP extension dubbed RRVS, Require-Recipient-Valid-Since, to prevent illegal use of emails with a new ownership.
A researcher has identified an exit node on the Tor anonymity network which is set up to maliciously modify the files that go through it. Another information are available also [h…