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Incident reporting
Contacts reporting
Incident reporting based on law
Cyber security incident report form according of the Act on cyber security
Extent of information protection
Level of protection
Personal - list of recipients
Limited distribution
Information on Personal and Limited distribution
(Max. 600 characters)
Contact information
The authority and person reffered in §3 letter b) or h) of the law
Phone number
Details of the incident
Date/Time of incident discovery
Time zone
Category of the incident
Category III - very serious cyber security incident
Category II - serious cyber security incident
Category I - less serious cyber security incident
Incident type
Cyber security incident caused by a cyber attack or other events leading to a breach of the system or to limitation of the services' availability.
Cyber security incident caused by malicious software or code.
Cyber security incident compromised due to technical measures.
Cyber security incident caused by a violation of organizational measures.
Cyber security incident associated with the occurence of permanently active threats (APT).
Other cyber security incidents caused by cyber attack.
Cyber security incident causing disruption confidentiality primary assets.
Cyber security incident causing disruption of the integrity of the primary assets.
Cyber security incident causing disruption in the availability of primary assets.
Cyber security incident causing the combined impacts mentioned above.
The current state of cyber security incident management
Analysis and investigation of cyber incident in progress
Cyber security incident is under control
Affected functions are restored
The number of affected systems
Estimated number of affected users
Incident description
(Max. 600 characters)
(max. 10 MB)
The details of the system
Host or IP
Host use (DNS server, site, etc.)
First announcement to CERT
Continuation of previously announced
Control code
Retype the code from the image