When to contact CSIRT.CZ

When to contact CSIRT.CZ

CSIRT.CZ should be regarded as the last resort to seek assistance and cooperation from when it comes to addressing security incidents relating to networks operated in the Czech Republic (i.e. the source or target network is operated in the Czech Republic). Addressing security incidents (their verification, defence and remedy) is always the responsibility of the administrator of the network or computer affected.

As a general rule, we recommend contacting CSIRT.CZ in any of the following instances:

Instructions for End Users

If your computer started acting strangely and if you think that this is a matter of security, please ask for help your network administrator, your Internet Service Provider, etc. Please do NOT contact CSIRT.CZ.

Instructions for Network Administrators

If your network has become a target of network attack and if you are not sure that you can correctly identify the network where this target originated, please ask for help your experienced fellow administrators, administrators of your parent network, your Internet Service Provider, etc., who should be able to handle this incident for you. Please do NOT contact CSIRT.CZ.

If your network has become a target of network attack and if you are sure you have correctly identified the originating network as well as the e-mail addresses of administrators responsible, please send them your incident report as soon as possible to minimise the overall damages.

If you have already sent your incident report but received no reasonable response within several days and the attack still continues, you can send your original incident report together with a covering letter to the CSIRT.CZ which will handle this incident for you and inform you about the outcome.