International Internet Security Workshop Begins in Prague

Oct. 3, 2011

[Press Release] Workshop is organized by EUROPOL and ENISA in cooperation with CSIRT.CZ, the national computer security incident response team in the Czech Republic.

Prague, 3 October 2001 – On 3 and 4 October the Hotel Jalta in Prague is hosting an international Internet security workshop organized by EUROPOL and ENISA in cooperation with CSIRT.CZ, the national computer security incident response team in the Czech Republic. Participating in the workshop are members of national and governmental CERT/CSIRT teams and representatives from law enforcement authorities throughout Europe.

"This workshop, the sixth to have been held, is extremely important, as it is one of the few opportunities security team members involved in cyber security have to meet face to face. We are delighted that ENISA chose Prague for this event and that we can take part in the organization of a workshop of this kind. The main purpose of this meeting of European security elite is to share our experience with one another. Any opportunity of this kind is very important for our relatively new CSIRT.CZ security team," said Martin Peterka, the head of CZ.NIC's CSIRT.CZ security team.

About CSIRT teams

CSIRT is the acronym for computer security incident response team. These teams, created by individual organizations for their own needs, are responsible for resolving security incidents in the area defined by the organization, typically a specific network, AS or domain. The teams also have their own informal hierarchy. The national and governmental CSIRT teams on the level above the teams of individual organizations do not have the power to rectify problems directly, but instead serve for coordination and educational purposes. CSIRT.CZ is the national CSIRT team for the Czech Republic. More information at