
Establishing CERT/CSIRT

If a security team wants to take part in international cyber security community it is advised to get at least status „listed“ within Trusted Introducer. In order to obtain this status the team needs to get a support of at least two already accredited teams within three weeks after submitting the request. If the team is thinking of submitting the request for becoming „listed“ we advise to at first manage the support from two accredited teams or to contact the National team CSIRT.CZ.

Feel free to contact us regarding this matter on

Working group CSIRT.CZ

CSIRT.CZ is organizing regularly working groups for the czech CSIRT/CERT teams and other (unofficial) members of czech security community. The Working group takes place 2-3 times a year. Among the main discussed topics are current trends in cyber security, security threads, cooperation among security teams, mutual exchange of information and best practises on incident handling. If anybody wants to join the meetings, please send a request to The meetings are in czech only.


International links

Security teams in Czech republic

Useful links